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  • Does Size Matter for Printed Materials?

    May 29, 2024 3 min read

    EDDM flyer
    When it comes to printed materials, size can significantly impact your marketing success. Whether you’re using business cards, flyers, or posters, the dimensions of your printed items play a crucial role in how your message is received. Here’s why size matters and how to choose the right one. Especially for EDDMs. 

    1. Grabbing Attention
    Larger prints like posters and banners are hard to miss and are great for making bold statements or promoting events. They catch the eye from a distance, making them perfect for high-traffic areas. Things like EDDMs which have to be big so they can't be denied in the mailbox is super important. 

    Smaller items like flyers and postcards are more subtle but can be just as effective when designed well. They’re easy to hand out, ensuring your message reaches your audience directly and personally.

    When creating marketing for buddy passes and hand outs - it's always best to opt for the bigger versions, sure they cost more money - but saving money is not the focus when marketing. It should never be the focus - it should always be looked at as investing. You don't try to save money investing - you try to maximize your money.

    The same goes for print marketing - you are trying to attract attention - not cut costs. The best attention is often the biggest. And often the most costly. But if you go into it with the notion that it's to get more customers and make more money - you can never lose going bigger. 
    2. Content and Clarity
    The size of your print determines how much information you can include. Bigger formats allow for detailed content, images, and longer text, making them ideal for comprehensive messages or event details.

    Smaller materials require a concise approach. Focus on key messages and impactful visuals to convey your point quickly. This is great for promoting sales, announcing openings, or providing essential information.

    3. Portability and Convenience
    Small printed materials are portable and easy to share. Business cards, brochures, and leaflets can be carried and distributed effortlessly, making them perfect for networking and events.

    Larger prints, though less portable, are excellent for permanent displays. Posters and banners work well in storefronts, trade show booths, and public spaces where they can continuously attract attention.

    4. Cost Efficiency
    Budget is always a factor. Smaller prints generally cost less to produce and distribute, making them a cost-effective option. They allow for broad distribution without breaking the bank.

    Larger prints, while more expensive, can offer a higher return on investment by making a significant impact. Investing in a few high-quality large prints can elevate your brand presence more effectively than numerous small prints.

    5. Versatility and Application
    Each size has its unique uses. Small prints like stickers and tags are versatile and can be used in various contexts, from product packaging to guerrilla marketing. Larger prints like murals and banners can transform spaces and create immersive brand experiences.
    Choosing the right size for your printed materials depends on your marketing goals, target audience, and budget. Both large and small prints have their unique strengths and can complement each other in a well-rounded strategy. Size does matter, but the best size is the one that fits your needs and makes the biggest impact. Choose wisely, and let your printed materials effectively communicate your message, no matter their size.
    Christopher Perilli
    Christopher Perilli

    Christopher Perilli is the owner and CEO of Pixel Mobb. Pixel Mobb owns Dojo Muscle, Dojo Muscle Up™ and Pixel Mobb Academy. He's work with top of Fitness, Martial arts and World Renowned Music Artists. Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Wowmakers. Chris is an artist, writer, designer, producer and martial artist. Currently a Purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu (Dante Rivera Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) - has trained Boxing and Muay Thai. His goal is to help as many school owners spread the greatness of martial arts to as many people as possible, while making your school look the very best it can.

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